ESSA Spares / Substitutes Process - Part 2

Clarification of the process.

  1. If a team has less than 9 players it would be considered a default.
    All attempts should be made so that this doesn't happen by the use of spares, bye team players and loaning of players from an opposing team.

  2. As per ESSA rules, teams are to make every effort to field 11 players.
    In the first 2 rounds, if a team is short, no automatic out(s) will be registered.
    In the playoff rounds, less than 11 players will result in automatic out(s).

  3. A team has less than 11 players, then a spare/sub is to be picked up by the Captain. This spare should have an equivalent ranking or below that of the missing player. If an equivalent is not available, another spare could be picked up in order to play the game (in the first 2 rounds only).

  4. A team can only pick up a spare and go above 11 players if the team lacks a pitcher and a spare pitcher is available.
    No other spares should be requested. As much as possible you play with the team you have.

  5. If a team picks up a spare believing players to be missing and the absent player comes to the game, then the spare will play automatically and the other player may play if agreed to by the other team members. If the team player will add to an already strong line up then unfortunately this may be an issue.

  6. A request for a spare can be made by any Captain knowing their team will be short. Unless there is a strong imbalance, the first spare should go to the first request with other Captains agreement.

This page created and maintained by Mike Peterson,
Created June 5, 2024. Last updated June 5, 2024.