ESSA Job Description - Sponsor Liaison


The Sponsor Liaison manages all aspects of the relationships between the Association and its sponsors.

Position Description

  1. Provide leadership to secure new sponsors when required and maintain rapport with current sponsors.

    1. Maintain a list of current and prospective sponsors and supply a copy of such to the Secretary for filing purposes.

  2. On-going communication with each sponsor.

    1. Written, verbal and in-person communication throughout the year.
    2. Provide correspondence in October/November outlining the upcoming year's sponsor fees, along with an invoice for payment prior to the start of the next season.
    3. Include prospective sponsors of teams and/or association events if applicable.
    4. Provide regular communication with sponsors re visitations and/or events and opportunities to provide donor promotion and recognition.
    5. Provide each donor with a framed team photo by mid-season.
    6. Follow-up with donors re payment of sponsor fees and provide cheques to the Association Treasurer by end of first week in March.

  3. Work with the relevant Board Members on sponsor related activities:

    1. The Event Coordinator on special events that include Sponsor participation or recognition (Spring Meeting, Memorial Tournament, Year-End Banquet, player visits with sponsors etc.).
    2. The Equipment Manager in coordinating the production/ordering of team sweaters while establishing team colours and sponsor logos.
    3. The Equipment Manager on taking team photos to be provided to each player at season end.

  4. Provide the Association Treasurer a detailed budget of planned expenses prior to the annual budget preparation process and receipts and/or documentation of expenses related to Sponsorship activities.

  5. Maintain detailed files of all correspondence and activity related to Sponsor Liaison.

This page created and maintained by Mike Peterson,
Created March 21, 2019. Last updated November 25, 2022.