Security Recommendations / Worm Clean-Up

Security Recommendations

All systems should: Other suggestions to help avoid problems: Windows Security Checklist Articles/Blog by Larry Stevenson (aka Prince_Serendip):
  1. Firewalls and Antivirus Applications for Basic Protection
  2. To Do and Do Not
  3. Safe at Any Speed Online
  4. Securing Your Network Configuration or Home LAN Security
  5. Are Cookies Really GUID for You?
  6. Invisible Internet Browsing
  7. HOSTS File: Wholesale Blocking
  8. IM Insecure
  9. Batting Clean-up
  10. PC Pesticides
Microsoft Security Notes Other Windows Security Sites

Worm / Adware / Spyware Manual Removal Instructions

These principles may help deal with the new variants of the worms / viruses / spyware / bots (hereafter called 'malware') that are appearing much faster than the anti-virus vendors can produce and distribute new versions. Norton Anti-Virus does seem to be able to remove the older variants.

It is recommended (necessary?) to reboot the infected system in Safe Mode to be able to run NAV, as most recent malware will kill the common anti-virus programs and firewalls.

It also seems that even machines running current patches are being infected. Removing the infection does not prevent the system from being re-infected (almost immediately in some cases); make sure your patches and NAV are up to date, run a personal firewall (even the Windows XP SP2 firewall should deter most external attackers), and make sure that all accounts have good passwords (see above) on them, as one of the methods used by the current malware to spread is via accounts / file shares with weak passwords.

The following manual procedure to remove infections was originally provided courtesy of Jim Charters, Systems and Networks, Department of Geology, and is subject to the following conditions:

That neither Jim Charters, nor the Department of Geology, nor Computer and Network Services, are liable for any consequences of following these steps.

It should be stressed that the registry should be backed up before making changes to it.

Here's the general procedure:

This page is maintained by Mike Peterson,
Created November 25, 2004. Last updated June 27, 2017.